Ravendb: Separating Document Id Into A Property Using The Patch Api

Jun 2014 - Use a simple patch request to extract data from a document id and save as a new property on the document with RavenDB

Removing AppName_Deploy Virtual Directory from a Site Published with Web Deploy

May 2014 - By default, webdeploy.exe will create a virtual directory named YourAppName_deploy in IIS and deploy your site there. This is usually not desirable. Here's how to change that.

Using Etags In Asp.net Mvc

Jul 2013 - Making use of ETags in your web application will not only improve the site's perceived speed to the end user, but will also reduce server processing load. Here's how to implement ETags properly in ASP.NET MVC.

Enabling Http Compression In Iis For Use With Cloudfront

Dec 2012 - By default, IIS will not serve gzip compressed pages through CloudFront. This article describes how to configure IIS so it does.

Creating a Login Service for an iPhone Application using WCF

Apr 2010 - Previously, we described how to create a WCF service from scratch that would easily output data from a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. In this article, we'll show you how to send data the other way - from the iPhone to a WCF service.

Creating an iPhone-friendly Web Service in WCF

Oct 2009 - Use JSON formatted data output from WCF for mobile device consumption